Gone, been

Gone, been

• tyto tvary – příčestí trpné od sloves go – gone a be – been
• používají se v předpřítomném čase ve spojení s pomocným slovesem have
have been
have gone

• používáme v situacích, kdy někdo někam odjel a už je zpátky
I have been to Australia. It was great.

• používáme v situacích, kdy někdo někam odjel a stále je ještě tam
My aunt isn´t here now. She has gone to Greece.

EXERCISE – use been or gone
1. I have ………………….. to London three times and Iď like to go again this year.
2. Peter has ……………………. to America. He´s visiting his brother.
3. Have you ………………….. to Jane´s house? No, What´s it like?
4. My mum isn´t at home. She has ………………. to work.
5. She has……………… to the hairdresser´s. Her new haircut is wonderful.
6. We have……………….. skating. It was fantastic.
7. He has …………………. running. I don´t know when he come back.
8. They have ……………… to holidays. They´ll be there for two weeks.
9. My father has …………………. to work. He´s very tired and he has ………………..
to bed.
10. My sister has ……………… to England. She saw many interesting places.
