Ceny – Prices

Ceny - Prices

• měna, která se používá ve Velké Británii, se nazývá libra
• jedna libra obsahuje 100 pencí

• na cenu se vždy ptáme otázkou
How much is ……? It´s…
How much are…..? They are…

Some other prices
€ euro
¥ yen
$ dolar


1. Write the prices the way we say them
1. 80p ……………………………………………
2. 15p ……………………………………………
3. £24.10 ……………………………………………
4. £8.99 ……………………………………………
5. £15 …………………………………………….
6. 89p …………………………………………….
7. £4.05 …………………………………………….
8. £10.60 …………………………………………….

2. How much is it? – Do the calculations.
1. How much is 25p and 75p? ………………………………
2. How much is 89p and 40p? ………………………………
3. How much is 90p and £15? ……………………………….
4. How much is £9.50 and £3.60? ……………………………….
5. How much is £6.75 and £6.75? ……………………………….
6. How much is £80 and £19.99? ………………………………..
7. How much is 65p and £1.30? ………………………………..
8. How much is £17.75 and 5p? ………………………………..

3. A. Look at the menu. Answer the questions .
B. Prepare short dialogues

Jenny´s Café
Ham £1.50
Cheese £1.30
Tuna £1.70
Chicken £2.00
Piece of pizza 90p
Hamburger £2.50
Cheeseburger £2.30
Ice cream 80p
Cup of tea 75p
Cup of coffee 90p
Coke 95p
Orange juice 85p
Mineral water 80p

1. How much is a tuna sandwich? ……………………
2. How much is a hamburger and coke? ……………………
3. How much is an ice cream and a cup of coffee? ……………………
4. How much is a a chicken sandwich and orange juice? ……………………
5. How much is a cheese sandwich and mineral water? ……………………
6. How much are two cups of coffee? ……………………
7. How much is a ham sandwich and coke? ……………………
8. How much are three pieces of pizza? …………………….

B. Make own dialogues

1. Napište ceny tak, jak je vyslovujeme
1. eighty pence
2. fifteen pence
3. twenty-four pounds ten
4. eight pounds ninety-nine
5. fifteen pounds
6. eighty-nine pence
7. four pounds five
8. ten pounds sixty

2. Kolik je to? Spočítejte.
1. one pound £1
2. one pound twenty-nine £1.29
3. fifteen pounds ninety £15.90
4. thirteen pounds ten £13.10
5. thirteen pounds fifty £13.50
6. ninety-nine pounds ninety-nine £99.99
7. one pound ninety-five £1.95
8. seventeen pounds eighty £17.80

3. Podívejte se na jídelní lístek a odpovězte na otázky.
1. One pound seventy.
2. Three pounds forty-five.
3. One pound seventy.
4. Two pounds eighty-five.
5. Two pounds ten.
6. One pound eighty.
7. Two pounds forty-five.
8. Two pounds seventy.
